Yvonne Peters

Vice President
(425) 828-9204

Yvonne joined Allied Employers in 1998 after graduating from the University of Washington School of Law. Yvonne spends a significant amount of time providing preventive counseling to employers to avoid or minimize the risk of litigation. In that capacity, Yvonne has counseled clients on discipline and discharge issues, leave and disability accommodation issues, grievance processing, workplace drug testing, contract interpretation, unfair labor practice issues, and other related areas. Additionally, Yvonne negotiates labor agreements and handles grievances under those agreements. Yvonne is frequently called upon to assist employers in workplace investigations involving harassment and discrimination.

Yvonne also serves as an employer trustee on Taft-Hartley pension and health and welfare funds, and serves on the board of directors of the Puget Sound Health Alliance.

Western Washington University (B.S. Political Science/History, 1994)
University of Washington School of Law (J.D., 1998)

Because we don’t have the extraneous expenses and profit margin of most law firms, our clients pay only for the services they receive.